Hearing Aid Repair

Today’s sophisticated hearing aids are comprised of many small electronic components that may experience normal wear and tear over time. Unfortunately, even with the best care plan in place, devices can succumb to that wear and tear and may require repairs. Be sure to attend all of your scheduled maintenance appointments and contact Belcher Hearing immediately if you experience any performance issues with your device.

Common Hearing Aid Issues

Is your audio muffled? Are you experiencing feedback through your device? If you’ve performed routine maintenance tasks like charging or changing the battery and checking the filter that catches wax and still have issues with your hearing aid, contact Belcher Hearing. We service most major brands of devices and accessories and can advise you on the next steps even if your device was not purchased from us.

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Perform routine maintenance to keep your device in good working order. Clean your hearing aid daily with a dry cloth. If applicable, remove the batteries at night to allow any gathered moisture to evaporate. Examine your device routinely for any cracks, scratches or other visible damage. Don’t use water or any solvents for cleaning because these liquids may cause damage to the electronics that your unit needs to function properly.

Don’t expose your device to extreme heat, steam baths or saunas or leave it in direct sunlight. Contact Belcher Hearing immediately if you discover any type of damage or experience any malfunctions.

Hearing Aid Repairs

Your device can malfunction despite your best efforts. The hearing aid may be aging, have sustained physical damage or been exposed to moisture. Our hearing healthcare professional are trained to evaluate and diagnose broken hearing aids, and some minor repairs can be done quickly in our office. In some instances, devices need to be returned to the manufacturer for repairs. If this is the case, your hearing healthcare professional will act as a liaison between you and the manufacturer to keep you up to date as the repair progresses and so you know exactly when your device will be returned to you.

Hearing aids do come with a warranty upon purchase. Even if your warranty has expired, it is possible to repair most devices for a small fee depending on the extent of the damage and the age of the device. This repair may come with a new warranty.

If your device is severely damaged or cannot be repaired, our hearing healthcare professional will help you determine the device that is the best fit for you based on your current needs.